Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Acme-People-Search is a scam!!!

For anyone inrterested in joining Acme People Search... Beware. I got billed $369.00 for a speed reading course,joined GDI and got a website and was promised $125.00 within 24 hours. Bah Humbug. I never saw a penny but I sure got screwged. Be very careful when you are looking for ways to make money online. There are these millionaire guru types out there that have made their money ripping off innocent people. They can bragg about all of the new cars and new million dollar homes they want but they'll get their just rewards some day. I 'd like to hear their excuse when they have to explain to the One who knows all things.
There are sites out there that are not as glamorous but they actually do pay. You may not get rich overnight but at least you can get a check each month. If you really want to make money you have to work for it.

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