Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Acme-People-Search is a scam!!!

For anyone inrterested in joining Acme People Search... Beware. I got billed $369.00 for a speed reading course,joined GDI and got a website and was promised $125.00 within 24 hours. Bah Humbug. I never saw a penny but I sure got screwged. Be very careful when you are looking for ways to make money online. There are these millionaire guru types out there that have made their money ripping off innocent people. They can bragg about all of the new cars and new million dollar homes they want but they'll get their just rewards some day. I 'd like to hear their excuse when they have to explain to the One who knows all things.
There are sites out there that are not as glamorous but they actually do pay. You may not get rich overnight but at least you can get a check each month. If you really want to make money you have to work for it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What's wrong with me?

I am amazed at how many people are sick these days. The food we eat no longer has the neccessary vitamins and minerals our body requires in order to function properly.
It seems like we are always hungry and nothing we eat satisfies us. We don't have the energy we once did. We are constantly eating in an effort to satisfy our craving and if we don't exercise regularly...Well, that's probably why so many of us are over weight. take a look at our children. I can remember when you were made fun of if you were heavy. Now , you are made fun of if you are skinny. All of us need to get into shape,tone up, get our metabolism going, eat healthy and supplement out nutrition with vitamins and minerals. I have been using a liquid nutritional supplement that has just about everything you need. Did I mention that it is in liquid form (=better absorbtion)? You should give it a try. Here is the site where you can get it.
Yes, I'm trying to get you to become an affiliate but that never hurt anyone did it? The good part is you might like this program and even make some money. Any way...If you decide to put your info in, you will be given access to the site. Go to Health and Wellness and go down to the Veriuni product. Here is a partial description:
Our new berry flavored formula now has Acai Berry Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Omegas 3 & 6, and Calcium! It's also Gluten free. Veriuni Advanced Liquid Nutrition is a one-of-a-kind, all-natural liquid supplement designed to promote robust health.
You may have heard of some of the ingredients. Does super antioxidents ring a bell?
Now here's the good part. This company has millions of products that you can get for yourself or refer others to and you can make commisions on all of it. There are people in over 160 countries around the world that are members. Any one with internet access can become a member or buy the products. Do you have things laying around that you don't need? You can sell them at triplclicks. I urge you to check it out. So go there now and see what I'm talking about. Once again the site is