Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Acme-People-Search is a scam!!!

For anyone inrterested in joining Acme People Search... Beware. I got billed $369.00 for a speed reading course,joined GDI and got a website and was promised $125.00 within 24 hours. Bah Humbug. I never saw a penny but I sure got screwged. Be very careful when you are looking for ways to make money online. There are these millionaire guru types out there that have made their money ripping off innocent people. They can bragg about all of the new cars and new million dollar homes they want but they'll get their just rewards some day. I 'd like to hear their excuse when they have to explain to the One who knows all things.
There are sites out there that are not as glamorous but they actually do pay. You may not get rich overnight but at least you can get a check each month. If you really want to make money you have to work for it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What's wrong with me?

I am amazed at how many people are sick these days. The food we eat no longer has the neccessary vitamins and minerals our body requires in order to function properly.
It seems like we are always hungry and nothing we eat satisfies us. We don't have the energy we once did. We are constantly eating in an effort to satisfy our craving and if we don't exercise regularly...Well, that's probably why so many of us are over weight. take a look at our children. I can remember when you were made fun of if you were heavy. Now , you are made fun of if you are skinny. All of us need to get into shape,tone up, get our metabolism going, eat healthy and supplement out nutrition with vitamins and minerals. I have been using a liquid nutritional supplement that has just about everything you need. Did I mention that it is in liquid form (=better absorbtion)? You should give it a try. Here is the site where you can get it.
Yes, I'm trying to get you to become an affiliate but that never hurt anyone did it? The good part is you might like this program and even make some money. Any way...If you decide to put your info in, you will be given access to the site. Go to Health and Wellness and go down to the Veriuni product. Here is a partial description:
Our new berry flavored formula now has Acai Berry Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Omegas 3 & 6, and Calcium! It's also Gluten free. Veriuni Advanced Liquid Nutrition is a one-of-a-kind, all-natural liquid supplement designed to promote robust health.
You may have heard of some of the ingredients. Does super antioxidents ring a bell?
Now here's the good part. This company has millions of products that you can get for yourself or refer others to and you can make commisions on all of it. There are people in over 160 countries around the world that are members. Any one with internet access can become a member or buy the products. Do you have things laying around that you don't need? You can sell them at triplclicks. I urge you to check it out. So go there now and see what I'm talking about. Once again the site is

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The secrets of presenting your online business

* Located In A Back Alley. You Will Need A Map To Find It.
* If You Are Interested, Leave A Note Under The Door. I Hate The
* Might Be Some Problems But I'll Fix Them When I Have Time.
(Remember Don't Call Me)
* You Can Always Reach Me By Email. Sometimes. Maybe.
* The Rent Is Really, Really Cheap.

If you were ready to start a new business and were searching for
a location. Would this ad interest you. Probably not. No matter how
cheap the rent, this building would kill your new business before it
got started. But you know, when new entrepreneurs are ready to start
their online businesses, they very often get started in a building
just like this!

Do you know that most hosting companies do not even own their own
servers. Servers are the computers that your websites are hosted on.
These companies rent space on servers owned by other companies. They
may be hundreds or thousands of miles away. When you have a problem,
you must first try to reach your hosting company and they in turn
must reach the company where the servers are located. All the time
your website is down, your store is closed. How much of this could
your new business survive?


* Located On Main Street
* Your Customers Will Find You Easilly
* Landlord Available 24 hours A Day
* If You Need Any Assistance Just Drop Into Our Support Room
* As A Free Bonus We Provide Business Training To Help You Succeed
How About this ad? Does this sound more like something an astute
business owner would be looking for? Don't destroy your new business
at the start opening your store in the wrong location.

Allow me to describe the perfect landlord, (Hosting Company).

+ Reasonably priced hosting packages to fit your business
+ Adaptable. Allowing you to grow your business without moving
your location
+ 24 hour online support. Speak with a live person 24 hours a day
+ All servers owned and maintained by company on their location
+ Twenty live training conferences a week. Learn how to succeed
+ Meet with the president of the company twice a week. Share your
suggestions. State your concerns and learn whats new from the
+ Network with successful internet marketers daily
+ Give all these features a try with our 30 day trial plan

Get All The Facts. Attend One Of Our Online Conferences.
See If Our Location Is The Perfect Home For Your Business!
Join now for only $1
Unlimited domains hosting, promotion tools, webmaster tools, massive referral program, visit:

Sunday, August 16, 2009

SFI Has Changed.

It's True, although the same great business opportunity still exists, there is a new system of points in effect. VersaPoints is a new point system that allows you to advance much faster. What used to take weeks or months and sometimes years to do can be done much more quickly utilizing this new system. It has sent sales through the roof within a week of opening. What does this mean to you. If you join as a free member and just follow the training you can reach the rank of Executive affiliate (EA). This gives you additional revenue. Read this explanation from the president.
As you know from our big August 5th announcements (see 8/5/09 entries at SFI NEWS), SFI now features an exciting, new "Co-Sponsorship" program. Get your share here

What's a Co-Sponsor? Co-Sponsor is a new position we've created that is assigned by SFI Corporate. Similar to the Sponsor, the Co-Sponsor shares in the financial benefits and support responsibilities of the affiliate of whom he/she is the assigned Co-Sponsor.

As an affiliate's Co-Sponsor, you can immediately begin earning up to 24% CV commissions on all their purchases (plus an additional 4% to 8% on all their sales)! This benefit can also continue monthly! For exact commission details and qualifications, see the SFI Compensation Plan.

Co-Sponsorships are assigned in two primary ways, which you can read about HERE.

What I want to talk about specifically today, however, is the co-sponsorships that brand new affiliates can receive, and the requirements. The requirements are very simple and straightforward:

Accumulate 1500 VersaPoints within your first 15 days

Do that and you've qualified to receive (currently, approximately 20) co-sponsorships that could be worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars to you in the years to come. Join free here

But, wow, isn't 1500 a LOT of points to have to produce in just 15 days? Actually, no. Let's do the math:

Let's say you just joined SFI. Assuming you've confirmed your registration and whitelisted SFI's mailing address (these are the first two steps required before you can even enter the SFI Affiliate Center), you've already got 400 points to start.

For easy, "getting started" points, you can now do the following 13 actions:

For completing your Affiliate Profile (200 points)
For reviewing the "R" (Refer) Index (50 points)
For reviewing the "S" (Sponsor) Index (50 points)
For sending your SFI Commitment Message to your sponsor (50 points)
For entering a personal welcome message to greet the affiliates you sponsor (50 points)
For registering as an a2a member (50 points)
For reading the Getting Started FAQs (20 points)
For reading the "About SFI" page (20 points)
For reviewing the SFI Compensation Plan (10 points)
For reviewing the SFI Benefits Chart (10 points)
For reviewing the Global Growth Report (30 points)
For registering to follow SFI on Twitter (30 points)
For uploading your photo to the Affiliate Center (30 points)

All of the above can be completed, easily, in just 1-2 hours, and it's generated another 600 points for you. So in just your first hour or two, you can easily reach 1000 points.

Of course, a new affiliate is also now receiving our LaunchPad™ "getting started" training e-mails. Each day's quiz earns you another 20 points. So, by day 15, you've grabbed another easy 300 points (15 days x 20 points = 300).

That's a grand total of 1300 points now, without even breaking a sweat. To get the remaining 200, you can earn four points a day just for logging into the SFI Affiliate Center and visiting your SFI Homepage. You can earn 240 points for purchasing an EyeEarn Starter Kit. And there are numerous other actions listed on your SFI To-Do List you can take to easily reach 1500 points within 15 days.

And you can, of course, also earn UNLIMITED points with sales or purchases at TripleClicks (many of our most popular products come with 1000 points or more!)

By the way, if you hadn't noticed, the new co-sponsorship program is designed to not only provide a great incentive to get seriously active in SFI right away, but also to ensure that the affiliates who receive co-sponsorships REMAIN active, too.

How? To retain any co-sponsorships received, an affiliate must achieve 1500 points or more every month. They forfeit the co-sponsorships if they fail to maintain the 1500 point level, and no one wants to lose such a valuable asset of course!

So, with that in mind, it's VERY important that when you're recruiting new affiliates that you work with them to reach the 1500 points in 15 days.

Here's a tip for doing that: Go to your genealogy and use the Join Date filter to pull up just your affiliates who are within their first 15 days*. Now, sort by "VP(T)–this is the abbreviation for Total VersaPoints To Date.

You can now see exactly who in your organization still has an opportunity to secure a quantity of co-sponsorships, and you can contact them to see if you can assist them.

Here's a really good way to do it: Click on their VersaPoints total–that is, the points listed under the "VP(T)" column. You'll now see a listing (in a new window) of all the actions they've earned points for so far and all the actions that they can do to earn even more points. For many of your affiliates, you'll probably see a number of "easy" actions that they can grab quick points for. Point these actions out to them and offer helpful advice where you can. For example, maybe they don't understand how to get set up to follow SFI on Twitter (a 30-pointer), but YOU do.

Help them get as many points as they can. You'll be helping them and you'll be positioning yourself for great, long-term growth!
Log in now and join for free at

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Viport Is Like An Ebook On Steroids

What is a "Viport?"
"Viport" is short for "Viral Report."
In order to access this free report, we simply ask that you tell 3 friends about it.
When you do so, the report will automatically unlock itself.
One of the biggest lessons of the information age has been that completely free information will not sustain itself.
The author of information will not continue to create unless he somehow benefits from his work.
The Viport helps the author benefit by ensuring that more and more people are exposed to his report, thus allowing him to benefit from the publicity generated more so than he would if the report were simply posted on a web page.
The Viport came about as a result of a conversation between Mark Joyner and Mike Chen.
Mike Chen programmed the Viport Creator and donated it to ListDotCom. At present ListDotCom has the only authorized Viport technology. A free Viport creator is provided for all ListDotCom members.
If you would like to create your own Viports simply sign up at ListDotCom (it's free) and you'll have instant access to the quick and easy Viport Creator.
How to Use LDC Viports to Build Your Business
If you aren't familiar with the concept of the Viport, click here for a full description.
Basically, they are "Viral Reports" - like e-books on viral steroids.
There are several ways you can use Viports to build your LDC team or to generate free viral advertising for any business you want to promote.
Here's how to do it and all the tools you'll need:
1. Create Your Own Viports
All ListDotCom members get free access to the one and only Viport creator in existence:

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Shark Frenzy SqueezePage Graphics

Hi everyone,
If you are using traffic exchanges, safelists or any other type of advertising online then you know how important it is to build a list.
You’ve heard it probably a million times that the money is in the list.
Well if you’re going to build one, you need the right tools to do it.
Sure you can use any old boring squeeze page and you will eventually get some subscribers if your headline and copy are good.
If you want to attract more eyeballs to your copy though its important for your squeeze page to stand out and look good.
That’s why when I found out that Justin Ledvina was giving away some of his best squeeze page templates for free I had to tell you about it.
Justin has been designing splash and squeeze pages for a while now. You have more than likely seen his work around, I mean it’s almost impossible to surf anywhere and not see a page that was designed by him.
He actually had to shut down his site because he was getting too many orders, and unless you were a previous client of his it’s next to impossible to hire him for custom work.
These squeeze page templates are some of the best I have seen around, they are already formatted and ready to go just add your opt-in code and some copy and wham, instant list building powerhouse.
I’m not sure how long he will be letting these go for no cost, so be sure to get a set before they are no longer available
Successfully Yours,
Brad Romesberg
P.S. - OTO Gold Mine is now live!Now you TOO can earn an extra $50, 100 or even$200 a day just by placing a small piece of code onyour website. You have to see it to believe it: